Our church is joyfully dependent on the Lord through the regular giving of our members. If you would like to make a financial gift to FRP, there is an offering basket at the Welcome Table in the gymnasium. Charitable tax receipts are issued annually.
Give Online
Make a one-time or recurring donation via credit card on our online giving portal. Start Here.
Give towards our Growth Fund Here.
Give by e-Transfer
Make an e-Transfer to
For giving towards the Growth Fund, please add “Growth Fund” in the e-transfer message.
Give Cash
There is an offering basket at the Welcome table in the gymnasium each Sunday.
Please write your full name and specify if your gift is for the “Growth Fund” on the offering envelope.
Give a Cheque
Please make all cheques payable to Fellowship Rouge Park. You can mail it to Fellowship Church Rouge Park, 50 Tideswell Blvd, Toronto, M1B5X3.
For giving towards the Growth Fund, please mark “Growth Fund” in the cheque memo.
Fellowship Church Rouge Park: We are a church passionate about Christ, discipleship, and fellowship.
© 2025 Fellowship Church Rouge Park